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Scholarships Turkey

similac-baby-formula đã tạo 11:06 27-12-2022 215 lượt xem 0 bình luận

The last two decades have witnessed remarkable developments in all sectors in Turkey. As for the geographical location, Turkey is the focal point between the West and the Arabs, it is an essential part between Asia and Europe, and thus obtained a unique mix of intercultural cultures.

As for the academic sector, there are 131 public universities, 75 private universities, and 10 technical universities in addition to military colleges in المنحة التركية  

. These universities also offer many specializations appropriate to the labor market.

Study In Turkey Scholarship

The Turkish Government, in cooperation with the Turkey Scholarships Presidency, grants a number of international students university admission in addition to a monthly salary, health guarantee and tuition payment every year. 

This scholarship and the conditions to be met by the candidates are announced on the official link of the Turkish Scholarships Directorate . 

Many international students inside and outside Turkey fill out scholarship application forms online and submit their applications on the specified dates. These applications are evaluated by a committee specialized in this, and all of the following are taken into consideration in evaluating the candidates,

A- Age

B- Nationality

C- The general average

D- Foreign language certificates and international tests

Y- Letter of motives and letter of intent


·         Applying for Turkish scholarships is completely free and is shown on their official website. Do not fall victim to brokers who exploit you .

·         It is important to mention the real reason for choosing the major you want to study and why you chose Turkey to study this specialization specifically .

·         There is a certain number of scholarships for each nationality and the chances of acceptance are higher for the nationalities who are less advanced on the Turkish scholarship .

·         Chances of acceptance of students with high grades, excelling, and certificates in international tests are higher than their peers.

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